Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chain Letters Can be sooo annoying...

I am supposed to die on Monday. At least that is what a chain e-mail I received says. It states that if I don't pass this on within 7 days, I will die. Now, in the cosmic scheme of things, I will die whether I pass it on or not, just not in 7 days. I am a Christian, so I normally don't believe in these things, but I received a bad luck e-mail that I deleted on the morning that I found out my mom would never walk again. People who care about me don't want me to blame myself, and they insist it was just a coincidence. In my head I believe them, but my heart won't let me delete these things anymore. I can't bring myself to pass it on either. I can't allow myself to curse someone else so that I won't be cursed. I should not be afraid to die. I must examine my conscience, repent of my sins, and be ready to stand before the Lord. If I do that, then no matter what happens Monday night, that curse will be turned into a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the same with chain e-mail I hate the thought of passing them on but I always hesitate to delete them.