Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Mom is Seventy-Two Years Old Today!

No, she does not read my blog. My mother is still convinced that the computer is an invention whose time will pass :-) Like eight track tapes. That's okay. She had a pen pal from the Philippines when she was young, so she gets my fascination with corresponding with people who are far away. She also gets that it is pretty cool that I can hear back from them the same day, respond, and we can do this several times throughout the day.
So why am I posting a Happy Birthday Polka on my blog if she doesn't check out my blog? I'm celebrating full force (the actual party is Saturday, and combined with a party for my uncle, who would beg me not to have a party for him if he knew about it, but he thinks it is just for mom, but I digress). I'm also going to play it for her throughout the day. She loves polka music! Apparently I caught it from her...


Sherri Murphy said...



Did you know my Dad plays the accordian?
In the past at many of our family gatherings (his family is Catholic Italian) he would play polkas for all to dance (kinda' funny seein' a Baptist Pastor playing polkas!)

Enjoy your day with your momma and enjoy the party!

Annie K said...

Ditto on the Happy Birthday to Helen's mom!

Let's get the Baptist preacher and the Hungarian Catholics together for some polka. I'm in!! (Will there be goulash at the party Helen? I miss my grandma's cooking!)

Beth said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom! Hope you have a great day with her!!

Beth said...

And my kids LOVE the birthday polka! Annabelle(my daughter) says happy birthday, too. She loves a good birthday...even if she doesn't know the person!! :)

Helen said...

Thanks for the good wishes for my mom. We appreciate it! I have a crockpot recipe for Hungarian ghoulash that I jazzed up with my dad's recipe. Anybody want it? I'll post it tomorrow if you like...

Mary Ann said...

aww Happy Birthday from me too!

Annie K said...

Helen, post that recipe!

Can you email me so I have your email please? I want to 'chat' but not in a post...


katdish said...

Okay, I'm late to say

A Very Happy Birthday Helen's Mom!

Life Is Beautiful said...

Well,a very happy birthday to your mom. You can tell her that thanks to the wonders of the computer, a candle is being lit in Ireland just for her today, with a prayer for all her heart's desires.

My own mom is 69 on Saturday. God bless them both and moms everywhere!

Helen said...

Happy Birthday to your mom, too! Aren't moms great? They are like our first introduction to God. Think about it. They love us from the start, even when all we can do is eat and poop. God loves us like that (as well as like the dad that will kick our butts when we are older if He has too). I'll say an extra prayer for your mom on Saturday. And, as you said, "God bless the both and moms everywhere!"

Helen said...

BTW The change in my video bar is in honor of mom. She loves Bing Crosby....

Sherri Murphy said...

The hungarian catholic polka sounds like too much fun! Helen, bring your church cookbooks and we can REALLY party DOWN!

DId you give your Mom "Lint from your pocket"? I hope you sprung for a little more!

My v-word is "mudencoa".
FLows easily off the tongue. I'm gonna' use it several times to day.SOunds like an important word.

Helen said...

I'm giving my mom a Jesus pendant/ watch, and buying a better chain for it.

Polka party, here we come.

wv bubernea

Anonymous said...

"Bubernea Mudencoa". SOunds like a a leader of a foreign country!

Yeah, Katdish, try sayin' THAT 3 times really fast(Do it TODAY while you're feelin' really "silly" ( A.K.A "tipsy" but whatever)

Helen, I commented about this on Mare's site, but my cousin and her husband own a chicago pizzeria called (I think) "Monicles".
Have you ever heard of that?
NOt like the windy city doesn't have a hundred pizza places, but this one has been around at least 30 years.

Anonymous said...

I called my aunt.
I was way off.

In West Dundee (Randall Road-- new location)
and the same in CARPENTERSVILLE.

(I don't know where the other name came from...probably a word verification that stuck in my crazy head!)

Anonymous said...

Still wrong.
I googled 'em.
It's 1 in Elgin and one in Carpentersville.

If you go, leave a message for the owner, Marcy, that COusin SHerri In so. Illinois sent ya'!

katdish said...

Oh, And I'm the one drinking?!? Yeah, Village Pizza and Pub sounds almost exactly like Monicals. I can see where you might get those mixed up

...if you've been there since noon.

wv: sansto

As in, "Hey fella, don sansto close to me. I'm a happily married woman. And did I tell ya that my cousin owns Monicals?"

Annie K said...

Hey, where's the ghoulash?

Sherri Murphy said...

Annie, They serve goulash at my cousins pizzeria , Monicles, I mean Village Pizza and Pub, in West DUndee, I mean Elgin.

KATDISH, I have NOT been drinking!
I know that was weird words to mix up (Monicles and Village Pizza and Pub)but that sort of stuff is pretty common for me.

I would NEVER accuse you of such things! I'm offended.

Cheri Davis said...

Happy belated birthday to your Mom!! You are so good to her. I hope she has a fun and memorable celebration!!