Okay. I had my people get in touch with my people, and I got back to myself immediately to set up an interview. I seem to be getting along with myself a lot better since my New Year's Resolution to treat myself as I would a friend, so this interview may be a little less amusing than usual.
HRM: Good morning. Interesting look with your hair...
Helen: My husband likes the messy look...
HRM: And is he home today?
Helen: Well, no....
HRM: Then you could've combed your hair.
Helen: (I wrinkle my nose at myself)
HRM: (Laughing) Just kidding. So how has your New Year's Resolution been going?
Helen: Well, the first one has been easy. Everyday I tweet something I am grateful for.
HRM: You mean like family, friends, home, food...
Helen: Well, I always thank God for those things. I am trying to look a little deeper. In the last few days I have been thankful for colors, electric lights, both indoor and outdoor, and rants.
HRM: You call that digging deeper than family and friends?
Helen: Well, I don't mean to suggest that I like pretty colors more than Bob, Mom, or friends! I just mean that thanking God for them has become routine, and I need to go beyond routine.
HRM: Okay. I get being grateful for electricity, and pretty colors...but rants?
Helen: Well, it started out as a joke. My friend Katdish posted a rant about people and their pets on her blog today, and I am always eager to read a good Katdish rant.
HRM: So...you are specifically grateful for Katdish's rant?
Helen: Well, yes, but for ranting in general.
HRM: I may be touching the wrong end of the elephant, because I just don't see what you mean!
Helen: C'mon HRM! You love to rant as much as anyone. Didn't you write that open letter to KFC, calling them a " den of chicken iniquity"?
HRM: It is true. I do love to rant myself. But I never thought of myself as grateful for rants.
Helen: But you are. Every time you rant, you say, "Boy, do I feel better! I'm glad I wrote that!"
HRM: Still, "being grateful" implies thanking God. Do you really think God wants to be thanked for rants?
Helen: Why not? He is our Father, isn't He? Of course, He lets us rant!
HRM: Huh?
Helen: When I was a little girl, and I'd be overwhelmed and overtired, I'd start to cry. Momma would then tell me to put on my PJs. I'd scream all the worse "I'M NOT TIRED! I DON'T NEED MY PAJAMAS!!!!!!WAHHHHHHHHHH" And daddy would step in and say "Of course you aren't tired. Just put on your pjs to get comfortable, and then sit on the sofa with me and watch t.v.." A few minutes after sitting on the sofa, I was fast asleep, and Daddy was carrying me to my own bed over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
HRM: And this relates to God how?
Helen: Sometimes we are ranting because we are overwhelmed and overtired, and just don't know how to rest. We think we don't need rest, just to "get it right". God says "Sit with me...". We find ourselves resting and at peace before we know it, and then God takes over to give us even more peace and rest.
HRM: Hmmm...
Helen: Sometimes I just need to rant myself into exhaustion before I can accept peace and rest.
HRM: And Katdish's rant...
Helen: wasn't really so much about overwhelmed exhaustion. It was funny. You know I enjoy humor. I'd say "Who doesn't", but I've met a security guard or two who...
HRM: Oooo...This sounds like another story!
Helen: You are right. It is another story. One which has nothing to do with ranting.
HRM: So maybe we should save it for another time.
Helen: Okay. You're the boss....On this blog anyways....