Monday, June 22, 2009

The Squirrels and Oppossums Weren't Lining Up in Twos, So It Couldn't Have Been That Bad......

Since Friday, I haven't tweeted much. Those of you who follow me on twitter know that I tweet a lot.

But while I was tweeting and looking out the window on Friday, I saw lightning and counted two Mississippi. I then thought it might be wise to shut down the computer just in case....Hence this tweet....
Storm is getting bad. I am going to shut down my computer, just in case... Have a great day everyone.
(This is not a picture of my yard and lightning. I did not stop to take pictures. Sorry.)

I was not gone for the day, however. I came back to tweet some more after discovering water gushing in my basement, and realizing that there was nothing I could do until after the rain was over (and hearing mom yell for me shortly after I got down because she got worried something happened...yeah, practically caused an accident with me running through the water and up the stairs to find out why she was screaming....). I then left this tweet.
Oh yeah, as for storm, basement is flooded now. I am avoiding tons of work at the moment.

Saturday I checked for damages. Then I puttered at the computer a bit, leaving this tweet (Thank you for being concerned, Steph)
@redclaydiaries Worse than I'd like it to be, not as bad as it could be..not as bad as the time 1/2 of our wedding pictures were ruined..
(Also, it would have been worse if I had a great big basement like this, no?)

When hurricane Edgar hit down South last year, we got some terrible rains here in Chicago. I don't know the correlation as to why a hurricane so far away would affect Chicago. Maybe it didn't. Maybe it was a coincidence. Anyways, I lost half of my wedding pictures that I had in the family room in the basement during that flood, and a whole bunch of other stuff. When I discovered that, I cried a river. But then I discovered my mom's old neighborhood had a more serious issue. Their nearest neighboring neighborhood, Albany Park, was flooded from the Chicago River. It was an oddity, because this area of the Chicago River has never been a problem. Some people lost everything...and they had no flood insurance. I lost half of my wedding pictures, but still have the man in them, and we did not need to start over from the beginning .....I had a lot to be grateful for, and still do.

This flood cost Bob me a bunch of books, my mom's old Easter basket, and I am going to have to redo the laundry, as some things we were sorting to give away got soaked, but I think a good laundering will make it all okay again. Oh, and I am going to have to call someone about waterproofing the basement (AGAIN?!).

But everything is okay of here. We lost some things, but nothing important. Nothing of great sentimental value, like wedding pictures. Nothing like....everything...Everything is good over here. It will still take me a couple of days to finish cleaning the basement, but that's no big deal.


Billy Coffey said...

So you're saying that ignoring the flood by getting on Twitter didn't make the flood go away? That just makes me question EVERYTHING now.

Seriously though, I'm sorry that you lost those books and your mom's old Easter basket. I wince whenever something happens to a book.

Valerie Jane said...

When our electricity went out Friday night I panicked and got almost everything off the basement floor and put it all on tables. When our sump pumps aren't working we get flooded. But for some reason it didn't flood! Figures since I was all ready for it to!

We've had several bad floods - My wedding dress got wet and part of it was ruined. However, my cousin loved my dress (it was Renaissance style) and is making some adjustments to remove the part ruined and making it her 'own'. Kinda cool how that worked out!

I'm sorry about all the pictures you lost and the books. We lost alot of books in one of our floods, broke my heart.

Annie K said...

How did I miss your basement flooding? Was I so busy being lazy and giving my dog beer this weekend that it got by me? Huh.

I'm glad you escaped with little damage (bummer about the books and basket) and didn't hurt yourself running up the stairs. Of course you would've had plenty of time to tweet in the hospital. I do always try to see the positive in everything. ;)

sherri said...

Awww...I hate it that you had the flood. It's alot of work to clean up- mine has flooded a couple of times. Now losing wedding pictures, THAT would slay me.
Loved your photo choices.

Beth said...

Our basement took on some water, too, this weekend! The sump pump stopped working. :P Our basement is old and creepy and I don't like going down Frank got to do most of the dirty work. And fortunately all that's down there is junk and more junk. So this just forces us to get rid of the junk sooner rather than later.

Wendy said...

Helen - Have you considered putting your house up on stilts? It's the only sensible thing to do.

Stephanie Wetzel said...

What is up with midwestern basements and floods? In my mom's old house, her basement flooded almost every time it rained.

I'm sorry you lost books and such. But I'm glad you're all okay.

katdish said...

Aw, Helen! That stinks. Continue to practice avoidance. It works for me. Actually, it doesn't but it's way more fun.

Unknown said...

For more information on basement water problems and the many ways they can be resolved, please visit