Thursday, August 19, 2010

Introducing Myself to My New Pastor

And now it is time for another Pleasantly Disturbed Thursday.

We have a new pastor at my Church now. He seems like a very nice priest. It's not easy being new though. Especially when you don't know the crazy parishioners from the sane ones. Now, if I was new, I would easily be put in the sane category, because I am quiet when I am in a new situation. But when someone else is introduced into a new situation, I desperately try to make them more comfortable. Unfortunately for them, that means opening up the whole box of crazy on them at once.
I introduced myself to the new pastor when I was volunteering for something on Saturday afternoon. The next day was the "Meet and Greet" where we would all have cookies and coffee in the back of Church after every Mass and introduce ourselves. Yep. All 2000+ of us in one day. So when I told him my name on Saturday, I told him that I'd give him a pop quiz the next day at the meet and greet. He turned absolutely pale and his face fell. I laughed my breaking stained glass windows laugh, and told him I was only kidding, the quiz wouldn't be until next week. The next day, at the meet and greet, there were name tags. Coincidence?
I also told him I saw him at Fr. O's 50th Jubilee Celebration, but that I thought that with seeing former parishioners from his old parish, meeting new people would be overwhelming. He agreed. I then told him that I was more tempted to pretend I was a former parishioner and ask if he remembered me than I was to introduce myself. Then I rattled more stained glass with my laughter as one of my friends playfully hit me and said "You're so bad...".
My intention really was to make him feel welcome and like he was already part of things. I have a feeling that instead I just helped him sort the sheep from the goats. Naaaaahhhhhh....Naahhhhh.....

I feel like today's Pleasantly Disturbed post also works well for a Life is Funny post.

Join Wendy's blog carnival. Join DS's blog carnival. Join carnivals! Just don't come dressed as a clown. You'll scare @katdish.


katdish said...

"opening up a whole box of crazy all at once"

HA! Love that.

jasonS said...

Great story. You're so sweet to try to make people feel more comfortable.

Helen said...

Katdish- Unfortunately I think it is a huge "Pop Goes the Weasel" box rather than a gift box.
Jason- Thanks. I really DID mean to try to make him more comfortable, though looking back I suspect I have him scratching his head wondering what he got himself into.

dude said...

Wish I could have seen his face...thanks for the laugh!

Duane Scott said...

Helen... eventually, I'm going to do "Disturbed Winner of the Week" on my blog and truly, you will win.

I laughed so hard!

HisFireFly said...

We have a new pastor coming in September..

If you don't mind, I will not be trying your form of welcome...

He'll find out I'm crazy soon enough.

Wendy said...

I think if you were to run into him at the grocery store while you were salsa dancing, that would pretty much seal the deal. Hey, aren't you about out of milk?