Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Almost Forgot , and I Said I Never Would

Where were you seven years ago today? I was in a classroom with 38 second graders. An announcement came on the intercom to pray for survivors of a plane crash into the World Trade Center, and to pray for the dead. We were told we could turn on the television machine to see the news coverage. I declined. I felt eight year olds did not need to see carnage and the reaction to it. About 20 minutes later, someone from the office came to my door to tell me there was a second hit. Until then, I had naively believed it was an accident. I chose not to tell my students. Eventually the news that the Pentagon was hit reached me. And then the news of the courageous passengers who brought there own plane down when they realized what the hijackers were planning. I still did not tell my students, though I did pray with them for the dead, for the survivors of "today's tragedy", and for the rescue workers who were trying to save them. I couldn't protect them from fear for long, but I feeling what I was for a little while. Many parents came to get their children early. Many did not. The ones who stayed thought it was strange that so many students were being dismissed early, but did not correlate that fact with the crash at 9:00 that morning. The next day they asked me why I did not tell them. I told them that I felt it would be less scary to hear this from the parents who loved them than from me. I did not tell them I was wondering if Chicago was a target, and that I didn't want them to think of that too. They accepted that I thought their parents should tell them. They were good kids. I hope that they remember me as a good teacher.
I don't know anyone personally who died that day. September 11 is designated as "Patriot Day" in this country now. I would like it to be a day when everyone prays for fire fighters and rescue workers. I know their families pray for them daily, but those of us who don't have friends or family doing this forget to, except of course when hearing of tragedies or emergencies. I wish that this day would be a day to pray a simple prayer for them and their families. I am no David, so please forgive my meager attempt.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gift of selfless people who work as firefighters and rescue workers. Many of them sacrifice their lives for the good of the public. Many of their family members worry for their safety daily. I pray that you keep them safe and well, and that you comfort their families in times of anxiety. Hold them close to you as they save and rescue. Hold the people they serve close to you. Please don't let their lives end before knowing you. Please don't let them die while they serve us. Please reward them in this life and the next for their courage and selflessness.
I ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son.

1 comment:

katdish said...

Just before I read your entry, I made a comment on a friend's blog that 9/11/01 is one of those days that you will always remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. I've been scurrying around today preparing for the storm, but I did pause this morning and remembered all that were lost, and the families they left behind.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful and heartfelt prayer. You are no David, but you are Helen -- and that is enough.