Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fun and Games for a Saturday

As inspiring as Katdish's cartoon posts matching her blogger friends with characters has been, I can't bring myself to directly steal her idea. I am a Christian. I don't steal from my friends. Just people I have never met (I'm kidding!). Still, it is hard not to be inspired to do a similar match up. If we were in High School, isn't that what we would do? And frankly, I haven't had this much fun with a group of new friends since I was in High School. Even then......(sniffle, sniffle, cue violin music now).

After my pro wrestling post on Monday, I was leaning toward matching you up with the pro wrestler who I think your personality would most resemble. Then I realized.....the women were really there to show off their bodies, and comparing women to men (whose character development in the WWE is way more fleshed out rather than flesh revealing) might not go over as well as I might hope.
So, what besides pro wrestlng just screams "HELEN! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELEN! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELEN!"? Musicals obviously! Upon an exhaustive search lasting five minutes, I came to the conclusion that there are not enough good musicals to go around. At least not with appropriate titles. Which of you wants to be The Student Prince ?

If I start going with Disney cartoons, I am invading Katdish's territory and committing borderline theft. I didn't notice any clauses in the ten commandments about borderline stealing (trust me, I checked.....well not really), so I figured time for plan C.
Helen loves to read mysteries. I have decided to match my dear new friends with the mystery title that I think suits them best. I am concentrating on title, not plot, or hero-heroine. This way, we all can play. Incidentally, I have read all of these books, so if you are interested in reading the plot, which has no bearing on my choice for you remember, contact me, and I will give you the gist of that particular series, if not that particular book (yes, I have read each of the books in the series these are from, if you include listening to audio books with mom during the day while I do chores as reading. Thank you Library!) so that you have some idea if you'd like to read it.

1)A Vow of Devotion

2) As The World Churns

3) Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos

4) Shoes to Die For

5) Foul Play

6) Dying For Chocolate

7) Raiders of the Lost Corset

8) The Cat Who Moved A Mountain

9) The Cat Who Talked Turkey

10)Simple Genius

Answers to Choose from: Helen (yes, I am playing too), Mare,Matt at the Church of No People, Gabrielle, Katdish, Ryan, Annie, Beth, Steph at the Red Clay Diaries, Sherri

Please play my little game with me in my comment section.

My answers should show up tonight by 6:00 pm, or I don't know what I am doing at this computer (all commence may snorting)


Stephanie Wetzel said...

This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I only have guesses for a few of them. And they seem to indicate that I am entirely too self-centered. ;)

Helen, Mare,Matt at the Church of No People, Gabrielle, Katdish, Ryan, Annie, Beth, Steph at the Red Clay Diaries, Sherri

1)A Vow of Devotion
Helen. Because you are clearly devoted to your mom and faith and your (weird) wrestling-watching hobby.
Or Beth? With her internet fast?

2) As The World Churns

3) Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos

4) Shoes to Die For
CLEARLY, SHERRI. It was her shoes that tried to take her out on the water meter, right?

5) Foul Play
OKAY, OKAY. This must be me. Although I thought I qualified for a bunch of them: Revenge of the Wrought-iron Flamingoes (suitably random), Dying for Chocolate (recent experience), Simple Genius (does this really need an explanation?)

What a lousy score I'm gonna have. The two cat ones threw me. Unless the turkey-talking one was a play on katdish.

And forgive me if I didn't mention you. I need to visit the rest of you more. Some of you aren't as overt in expressing your personality as others (i.e. katdish, sherri). And I'm too scattered to make note of every nuance without some intentional focus. ;)

I'll get right on that.

WV: dalio
What's the dalio with all the blogger-blank comparisons? You're using all the good ones. I'm gonna be stuck with something like "pieces of furniture you resemble."

Annie K said...

Well, mine are abvious...Simple Genius and As The World Churns (sorry Steph, Genius is mine...alllllll mine.)

ACTUALLY, I think Simple Genius could be Mare. She seems to have wisdom beyond her years.

Wrought Iron Flamingos screams Katdish because of the Christmas decorations in the front yard. When she retires, flamingos in the yard...definitely. And, Foul Play. Nuff said.

Sherri is shoes to die for, or die because she's falling down stairs in too-high heels.

A Vow of Devotion is most definitely Beth, because she has been so devoted to NO INTERNET this past week.

Dying for Chocolate...duh...Steph..

Ryan? Gabrielle? Not sure

Helen, Possibly the Cat who talked Turkey becuase you seem to be pretty good at interpreting and stepping in and commenting for people when they have a virus or something. It's a gift, really.

Ok, that's all I can remember. Dang.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard is obvious ( A SIMPLE GENIOUS!) and Steph-"CHocolate to die for", but the others are hard!

I can't think of anyone to fit the shoe book...maybe Matt?

I'll have to visit again with a clear head.

(I'm not drunk or anything, just busy CLEANING!- so I'm a little out of sorts.)

katdish said...

Well, I clearly vote for Sherri for the drunk guy in the video.

As to the books,

1)A Vow of Devotion - Beth

2) As The World Churns - Annie?

3) Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos - this could be Sherri (because of the whole meter incident, but since the shoe one is in here, I suppose it's simple process of elimination.)

4) Shoes to Die For - Sherri

5) Foul Play - Mare? Mystery meat stew? But it could be me because of the chicken reference, or Steph for that matter...

6) Dying For Chocolate -Steph

7) Raiders of the Lost Corset - is that you?

8) The Cat Who Moved A Mountain

9) The Cat Who Talked Turkey

10)Simple Genius - well, that's obviously me (NOT) I got nuthin...

Wow, I really didn't do so good. But you've already posted the answers, so I'm gonna go check!