Friday, December 12, 2008

Today is the Feastday of Our Lady of Guadalupe

While Our Lady of Guadalupe is especially celebrated in Mexico, she is also the patroness of the Americas. If you wish to know more about her, please click on the title of this post.
I know I mentioned I used to teach in a Polish Church. Did I also mention that the neighborhood was hispanic? We tried to celebrate this feast day at my school reverently, though traditionally was rather impossible since none of the teachers or staff were hispanic. I did learn to love Our Lady of Guadalupe, though. If I ever get a lawn statue of Our Lady, it will be of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Annie K said...

That was a very interesting lesson in Catholic history Helen, (especially since my childhood friend and daughter's Godmother is hispanic and her family is from Mexico) because my friends mom has talked about Our Lady of Guadalupe. I have seen a documentary on her and the pilgrimages that are taken yearly back to where the first appearance happened.

Was the Polish church in the Chicago area?

Beth said...

I'm trying to remember if they celebrated this day in Spain as well....when I was a student I was there in December and it seems they had a big celebration in mid December...I'll have to do some research...

Sherri Murphy said...

very interesting.

Do you miss teaching Helen?

Helen said...

Annie, yes it was on the North Side.

Beth, I am not sure if she is celebrated in Spain. She might be, but she is the patroness of the Americas.

Sherri, sometimes, but tomorrow I teach CCD, which really helps me a lot.

Beth said...

I thought maybe she was a patroness of the city I was living in Spain...but no. That is Fuencisla and her day is in September. I can't find anything that says they celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spain. I may be thinking of when they celebrated Saint Barbara, she is the saint of artillery and there is a artillery school there and her day is Dec. 4. I'm going to have to read my journal from 9 years ago. My memory is foggy....